What the Hell Is Going On Here???

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I may have to do something soon that I never thought I would have to do — watch Dancing with the Stars. It\’s not that I want to, but I have to. My leader will be performing. I still can\’t believe it. Another personal favorite, Penn Jillette will also be lowering himself.

Christ they must be paying a lot to get two of the most cynical and anti-star types in the history of everything.

Please little 8lb 6oz baby jebus let him be the first off.

I feel like I\’m taking crazy pills.

Later hosen.


  1. Can we have Dancing with the Stars watching parties now? You know he\’s not going to make it past the first two weeks though…Somewhere Greenie is crying that he didn\’t get picked again.

  2. There\’s no way i can sit through an hour of dancing. I\’ll probably just Tivo it and watch My Leader.

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