One of the best things about working in the OC was the Whole Foods that was on my way from work to the hotel. More specifically the Whole Foods beer case that had tons of beers I\’ve never seen (tasted) before. So here they are:
Sierra Nevada Harvest Wet Hop Ale – brewed with fresh hops, picked the day before brewing. It was a solid ale. If you like Sierra Nevada Pale Ale, you\’ll like this. B+
Green Flash Brewing Trippel Belgian Style Ale. Eh, this was ok. Nothing really special. B-
Stone Vertical Epic 08.08.08. I\’ve already mentioned that this is the best beer ever. A++
Brother\’s David Triple Abbey Style Ale. I drank this the day after I discovered the Vertical Epic. I had intended to drink more Vertical Epic, but had to settle for this. Despite the disappointment, it held up well. I good \”American Belgian\” ale. A
Stone Ruination IPA. I spent several days looking for another Vertical Epic, but could find not a single one. So I knew it was time to move on. But I had to stay in the family. Thus the purchase and subsequent drinking thereof (law speak?) of the Ruination IPA.
I have consumed quite a bit of the standard Stone IPA at the vile Stan\’s Blue Note, and that beer is like a concentrated pine forest in a jelly jar. So I was initially fearful of how hoppy this thing would be. I mean, I love hops, but I don\’t want the top of my head to fly off.
Well, my fears were quickly trounced. This is a great beer. Yes, it is strong in hoppy/bittery goodness. But not so much that that\’s all there is. It is nicely balanced and a surprisingly smooth drinking beer. A+
Urthel Samaranth Quadrium Ale. Like a Belgian Tripel, only \”one louder\”. Admittedly, this was a novelty purchase. And I suppose its high alcohol worked (11%) since I don\’t really remember much about it. Thus I\’ll just give it a B and move on.
Indian Wells Brewing Amnesia IPA. This was the only beer I purchased that didn\’t come in a 22oz bottle. In fact it was the only 6-pack I bought. Thus I drank more of this than any of the other beers. For a regular IPA it was high in alcohol (7.2%). Overall, it was OK. In the pantheon of great IPA (60/90 Minute, Terminal Gravity, Full Sail) it doesn\’t quite hold up. But still a solid choice. B