If despondency and desolation had a smell, it would smell like Ships. This place make Moe’s look like Ghostbar.
And I love it.
It is rare when a dive bar can out dive the likes of The PastTime Tavern and Club Schmitz. Ships accomplishes this task and then some. I dub the The Taj Madive.
Ships has everything you want in a dive bar.
Very low ceilings.
A \”United We Stand\” banner above the bar that was hung in 2001 that now has a fine patina of cigarette smoke and despair.
There were 20 people in the bar, only 2 of whom were smoking and it was, by far, the smokiest bar of the night, Winedales included.
A juke box containing nothing before 1974.
This place is so smokey, a year after the smoking ban you will still smell like an ashtray vomited on you after you leave.
1613 Greenville AveDallas, TX 75206
Please enjoy my map of Dallas Dives. I\’ve only included those that I\’ve been to. So Windmill and The Goat have not yet been added. But will be added soon, I hope.
[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=103850778657504280942.00046566618c52e10de1b&s=AARTsJrKbrFMiw-IcdvYlog22I4h_cey3A&ll=32.827096,-96.82148&spn=0.138479,0.219727&z=12&output=embed&w=640&h=480]
There are not many bars I am afraid of by reputation alone. Ships is definitely one of them and I love dive bars. April 11th, \”The goat\” here we come.
Is there a return of the Dive Crawl on the horizon? Bring your own Uzi?
If you need help in getting tossed out of these joints, just let me know.
I think a Dive Crawl could gererate some serious interest. I am classless and could mingle among my kind.