JT’s Number 1!!!

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A Düsseldorf resident has done what few thought possible – displace the phrase “Gilf Hunter” as the #1 keyword directing people to The Summer of Steve.

European snark impresario, Lakewood bar disrupter, and three time FICA (Fédération Internationale de C-Block Association) welter weight champion, JT “JT” Richardson and his blog jtingermany caused 8 hits on The Summer of Steve as compared with only 4 for gilf hunter in the past month.

When asked to comment, Mr. Richardson used a dizzying stream of obscure Simpson’s quotes to express his surprise, delight and hunger for pork products.

What makes this accomplishment even more surprising is that many in the blogosphere had assumed The Summer of Steve had been shut down years ago.

The Top Ten Keywords for the past month are:

Keyword Visits
jtingermany 8
gilf hunter 4
dallas homicides 3
american beauty hd 2
flying saucer trivia 2
fupa 2
gilf hunter: episode 1 2
gilf hunter: episode 2 2
jersey guidos 2
summer of steve 2

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