There are some great things that didn’t have a list to be noted on. So here’s their very special list.
5. Best Video Game [Half Life 2] – I probably only played a handful of video games in the 2000s, but I played this one twice. It’s one of the few First Person Shooters with an interesting plot. And with the anticipated release of HL2:Episode 3 in 2010, expect to see this on the 2010s list as well.
4. Best Winter League [2002-2003 The Simpsons] – My first year to captain and the first year of the split. And I had a good time for one of the few times at the end of the season party.
3. Best Complement from A Dude That’s Been on 30 Rock and in a Jennifer Aniston Movie [Rhett Miller] – I was having a few beers with the Old 97s front man at The Libertine one night this year around St. Patrick’s day. He was with friends of friends. But we were at the same table and talked about bidets. As he got up to go home, he said his farewells and, to me, said, “I like your glasses.”
2. Best Winter League Party [Mid January 2001 @ Jamestown Fields] – Those who were there know. Those who weren’t there, wish they had been.
1. Best Hospitality [ Marie-Jean Welding] – Vanessa’s Aunt opened up her very tiny and very clean apartment in Antibes to a couple of slovenly Americans.