This Week in Steve: 2010 Week 1

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It’s back!

A feature of the blog I quickly abandoned around the time of my trip to Europe last year,  This Week in Steve attempts to highlight the things that make each week a little special.  Or I’ll just make shit up.  Either way, it’s blog fodder.  And if you’ve ever given your mudder some fodder, then you have found yourself trapped in an Abbot & Costello routine.

Regrettably, nothing much happened this week.  I guess the holidays really took it out of me.   I didn’t even make any progress on my resolutions.  That’s not a good demonstration of commitment to myself or my readers. 



This Week’s Highlights

  • Predicting correctly that, despite the predicted sub-freezing temps for Saturday, we would have an amazingly fun time out at Winter League.
  • The jalapeno chips at The Barley House.
  • Cowboys! Cowboys! Cowboys!


Key Stats

  • 2 – The number of games my Winter League team won this week.  Cold == Fun!
  • 2 – The number of gallons of hot cocoa I brought out for my team.  Such demonstrations of love, no doubt caused my team to mercilessly destroy  our infidel opponents.  After which we heartily drank cocoa from their empty skulls.
  • 2 – The number of times the Cowboys beat the vile Eagles.


  1. Yeah. Sometimes I hit the publish button hours after I wrote the entry and then forgot that I hadn't finished. As a blogger, blogging may not be exactly my strongest suit.

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