Where you don\’t fuck with Sue and leave your fucking kids at home.
Continuing on with my quest to eat some form of halibut every day, I stumbled upon an extremely old looking bar in Coupeville claiming to have Fine Food. That’s really all the endorsement I need. So I entered.
Since I had halibut fish & chips the previous day at the yet to be reviewed Sunbolt’s I went with the only slightly different crispy halibut burger. It was essentially a round filet of halibut fried and placed on a buttered bun. It was delicious and paired well with a Bridgeport IPA.
Seeing that the Toby’s had their own beer, I ordered up a Toby’s Parrot Head Red Ale for dessert. Despite it being flat and fairly flavorless, I went ahead an purchased an accompanying pint glass.
I don’t know why anyone reading this would ever be in Coupeville, but if you are, you do need to check this place out. Decent bar food, many good beers on tap and salty bartendrixes make this the only “go-to” place in Coupeville in my books.
B+ (on the dive bar scale)
[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=&ie=UTF8&fb=1&gl=us&hq=toby\’s+tavern&hnear=Coupeville,+WA&ei=xFxsTKLdD4P98AazpeixCw&ved=0CBwQnwIwAQ&msa=0&msid=103850778657504280942.000461921cf17a28be102&ll=48.217639,-122.684927&spn=0.012868,0.059996&z=14&output=embed&w=700&h=225]
8 Front St Coupeville, WA
Location:Front St NW,Coupeville,United States
halibut? really?your other readers do know that \”comments\” doesn't mean \”for JT's eyes only\”, right?