Straight To DVD Review: Family Guy Presents It’s A Trap

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“Could we, at least, put together a press release that says that I’m resigning on my own accord to pursue other evil projects?”

Synopsis Seth McFarlane keeps the money train rolling with his third installment of Family Guy’s Star Wars spoofs.
What I Liked
  • The space action scenes are beautifully rendered.  In fact they may even be better rendered than the original movie.
  • Darth Stewie’s acknowledgement that they had run out of characters when Roger from American Dad greets him.
What I Didn’t Like Pretty much everything else.  There just aren’t a lot of laughs here.  It’s even kind of hinted at in the commentary that they used up all their jokes in the first movie.
The Metrics
  • 0 breasts
  • multible beasts
  • jedi-fu
  • sarlack-fu
  • Academy Award nomination to Seth McFarlane for keeping said money train arollin’.
Conclusion C – King Wally says check it out.

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