Walkabout 2012 Day 13: Many Glaciers

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  • 16 miles hiked, 530 pictures taken, four bears seen and immeasurable beauty absorbed.  Pretty nice little day there, pretty nice little day.
  • I can’t lie.  I was underwhelmed yesterday by Glacier and was thinking, much like I thought I my early hours at Yosemite, that this place was failed.  Today I became whelmed.
  • After 16 miles of hiking, I’m walking around like Mr. Tudball.
  • If these pictures don’t cause an avalanche of comments, then I’m not posting any more pictures.
  • Please to enjoy the first picture of Walkabout 2012 in which I make an appearance.  So for you conspiracy theorists, I am actually out here.  Unless I’m really good at Photoshop. Open-mouthed smile
  • And with that, it’s time to head home.  But on the way, there’s still Bozeman, Yellowstone, Mt. Rushmore, Crazyhorse, the Badlands and the birthplace of The Jester to visit.

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