Eating Garland: Meshack’s Bar-Be-Que Shack

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I have yet to make my way to the Dallas Farmer’s Market and tried Pecan Lodge (maybe next week, Trent?) I can conditionally say that Meshack’s is the best BBQ in Dallas County.


As you can see, the place is literally a shack.


Not being a very good food blogger, I didn’t take enough pictures of the goods.  But I did get a picture of the best item on the menu, the sausage.  Flavorful and juicy with an abundance of fat, this may be the best bbq sausage I’ve had.  The brisket was also beautifully smoked and moist (sorry, I know people hate that word.  buy me a thesaurus and I’ll stop using it). 


The ribs were good but the didn’t grab me like the sausage and brisket did.  I will give them another chance to wow on my next trip.

Be warned, they don’t take credit cards.  So bring cash.

A+ on sausage
A on brisket
B on ribs.
Overall A

240 E. Ave. B Garland, TX 75040 [googlemaps,+TX+75040+&aq=&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=47.885545,80.771484&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=240+E+Avenue+B,+Garland,+Dallas,+Texas+75040&ll=32.910577,-96.627846&spn=0.018014,0.059996&z=14&iwloc=A&output=embed&w=700&h=250]

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