For my first venture in beer reviewing, I could think of nothing better than going to my all-time favorite brewery — Dogfish Head. I recently found a seasonal from them, Red & White. So here goes.
A big, belgian-style Wit brewed with coriander and orange peel and fermented with Pinot Noir juice. After fermentation a fraction of the batch is aged in Oregon Pinot Noir barrels, and another fraction is aged on oak staves. The beer is blended together before packaging.
That\’s what the bottle says.
I can think of nothing better to drink than a Belgian Wit or an Oregon Pinot Noir. So I\’m excited about trying this.
This bottle is a formidable 1 pint 9.6 ounces (750 ml) and a stout 10% abv. I doubt I\’ll be able to drink all of this. In fact, I probably shouldn\’t.
On first pour, the color is golden, typical of a strong Belgian ale with a hint of red — the Pinot Noir, no doubt.
The aroma is also typical of a great Belgian ale. It smells very much like a Maredsous 10.
The taste is slightly milder than a Maredesous 10, but also slightly sweeter.
This is delicious!!! It tastes of so many late nights at Gezellig.
There is a hint of Pinot Noir. But, honestly, if I didn\’t know it was there I probably could not identify it.
I feel guilty about opening this bottle. I\’m not going to be able to finish it. Luckily I have a vacuum sealer. Hopefully it will work. This needs to be preserved for a least another day.
Red and White…sounds like some sort of description of America\’s Top Hat Flag. So are these tastings being done in the early morning hours of the day…Nice
Does this mean we\’re getting Flashback Friday as well? I want you to review Lisa Lisa! Do it!
So, did the vacuum sealer work?