Working 12 hour days leaves not much time for anything, including eating. So after work today I strove to have a well balance dinner of locally grown organic fruit and In-N-Out burger. It was delicious.
The Whole Foods here is fantastic. It has far more prepared food than even the one on Preston and Forest. There was a station for Chinese/Thai and Indian, one for seafood as well as stations for your typical prepared foods. Here\’s hoping the Lakewood Whole Foods gets some of this.
As for the In-N-Out, I may have to rate this a bit high than I did last year. I had to drive a frustrating 10 minutes after getting my burger. I was so hungry and it smelled so good.
And while I\’m not a fan of southern California, it is nice to look out the window where we\’re working and see palm trees and mountains. It\’s very comforting.