Today\’s Worst Person in the World

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I had to deposit some paychecks (yes, I\’m so filthy rich that I sometimes wait a couple of weeks to deposit my paychecks) so I went to the Bank of America by the Central Market at Greenville and Lovers.

This particular bank has a double ATM. That is, it has two ATMs in a single lane.

As I\’m pulling into the bank, another car is pulling in just before me. So we both find that there is already a car at the front ATM. After about 15-20 seconds go by, the front car pulls off. The dude in the car in front of me was still fumbling with his walled and had yet to start a transaction. So with an empty ATM slot right in front of him, he decides that it would be too much effort to pull ahead a little bit so that we can both do our banking in parallel. So I have to wait for this assclown to finish his business before I can do mine.

I mean it\’s just common courtesy to move up, yes?

Rude Dude at the ATM. Today\’s Worst Person in the Wooooorllllllld.

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