Today\’s Worst Person in the World

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With reverence and respect to the great Keith Olbermann, I have been meaning to steal this bit from him since way back during a hike in the Yosemite Valley. There, a motorcyclist decided he wanted to share his Black Sabbath with the rest of us enjoying the serene beauty of Yosemite. But to be fair, you\’ve not experienced Ozzy until you\’ve heard him bounced off of El Capitan a dozen or so times.

My innaugural Worst Person is actually two people.

While riding around White Rock Lake, I will often see people on the banks of the lake fishing. Recently, the the lake was restocked with catfish and some other fish. So, I was disgusted to see on the east side of the lake to fellows, waist deep in the lake, netting fishing.


You slobs can\’t just fish like everyone else and be satisfied with a handful of fish. You need all the fish in the lake??

The two asshats net fishing at White Rock – today\’s Worst…….Person………In the Woooorlllllld

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