Copa Oro 2013 Semifinals

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  • Who knew that I would end up attending the last event at Cowboys Stadium.
  • Oh, by the way, Jerry or CONCAF or whoever is responsible for this, but FUCK YOU!!!  What’s the big deal about bringing in a 70-200mm lens??  And for fucksake, at least have it on the ticket that its banned.  Do you not know how important an extra 95mm are??
  • And another thing.  You’re going to have 90,000 people there for 3-4 hours and you fucking run out of food???  And really  $5 for a water??  Was it filtered through the placenta of the new royal baby?
  • Other than that, a great time was had.  Go USA!!


  1. My apologies. I guess you've not read much of The Summer of Steve where grammar and spelling are, what I like to call, free form.

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